Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cynthia Stroum, Ambassador to Luxembourg, Quits After Scathing Report on Performance

Cynthia Stroum, who raised over half a million dollars for the Obama campaign, had been chosen to succeed as ambassador to Luxembourg in 2009. Her aggressive, bullying style of leadership led to clashes with staff and ultimately her quitting last week. her leaving the US embassy in Luxembourg, a small but very wealthy nation, "in a state of dysfunction".

"Morale among Americans and local staff is very low, and stress levels are high," stated a report by the State Department Inspector General. "Most employees describe the Ambassador as aggressive, bullying, hostile, and intimidating, which has resulted in an extremely difficult, unhappy and uncertain work environment."

Some of the findings of the report including Stroum advising embassy staff that she had "the right to read any email messages". Stroum used multiple employees to find her a residence, a process that took six weeks because she kept rejecting the choices. She spent $3,400 in Embassy funds on European wine and liquor when the rules state “in no case, is the post authorized to use excess year-end funds to purchase wine." and that all wine needs to be American in origin. Stroum and an assistant flew to Switzerland so they could hire a chef instead of hiring locally as the rules dictate.

(via FoxNews)

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